5 Trending / Interesting Features To Have In Your SFA

Sales force automation (SFA) is an important software tool which enables CPG brands to track their Foot on the field (F-O-F). It enables brands to better manage their salesman, track their productivity, automate the sales process, improve market visibility to name a few of the core functions. Basic features and core functions are available with most SFA applications in the market. But to take your application to the next level and derive the maximum ROI from it – we thought of listing down some trending & interesting set of features that can be included in your application as well.

1. Intelligent Scheme Notifications

Lot of secondary schemes/promotions are created to boost product sales, for new product development, getting rid of stock nearing expiry etc in the market. But for higher scheme utilization, intelligent nudges during order taking by salesman can be beneficial. For eg: Let’s say salesman named ‘Vijay’ has taken the order for product X for 18 pcs qty. There exists a 3% scheme for 10 pcs purchase of this product. The next slab in the scheme is at 5% discount on 20 pcs. At this point the app must intelligently prompt Vijay to convince the retailer to add 2 more products to meet the next slab.

2. Pending Order Visibility

It may so happen that order taken at the outlet on last visit could not be fulfilled completely due to stock issues at the distributor end. When the salesman visits the same outlet next time, the unfulfilled pending order can be flashed to prompt the outlet to place an order for those products again.
This simple addition ensures that the in-demand products reach the right markets upon inventory availability leaving no potential sales gaps.

3. Geo tagging Salesman Route

Most SFAs capture the location when the salesman reaches the outlet & begins order taking activity. In addition to this, you can start capturing location data for the route the salesman takes during his market visits. Analysis of this data can reveal insights into route optimizations, better beat planning leading to better productivity

4. Capture outlet name board photo along with geo location to verify outlets

Outlet location verification is a critical piece in maintaining the sanity of your RLA (Route List Account) data. Often, fake/dummy outlets are created in the market. Finding out dummy outlets earlier on is important.
When the salesman visits an outlet, he can be asked to capture the photo of the outlet/outlet name board. These photos can be further audited and approved by your Sales officers/Sales Incharge to verify whether a real outlet exists or not.
Photo data in addition to the retailer outlet contact info gives a more full proof mechanism to verify outlets and their accurate location in the market.

5. Gamification

Staying on top of the salesman’s app usage and engagement is critical to not only driving more orders in the market, but to ensure that accurate and complete data is added into the systems.
Gamification can be built into your SFA to create experiences for the salesmen that drive him/her to capture more orders, take orders faster, push specific products based on company strategy, perform other activities such as sync and merchandising etc.